If you ask 5 colleagues to explain to you the concept of “customer experience”, you are likely to receive 5 different answers. Many will say things like “a frictionless customer experience”, “delivering on promises” and “efficient and accurate communications” but what they are actually describing is “customer service”.

So, what is the difference between customer service and customer experience? Customer service is the transactional process that the customer engages in with a company. For example – I order my food shopping, I receive an email to say that the order has been taken, the delivery arrives as expected and the order is fulfilled. This is good customer service, but this is not something that I feel excited about, I won’t be mentioning this on any social media, and I don’t feel connected to the company. Customer experience is about what the customer feels after every interaction across all touchpoints with a company. It is all about emotions, be that frustration, disappointment or preferably joy!

Experience is affected by the customers' expectations which are shaped by factors like social media, marketing, past experience, and word of mouth. Surpassing expectations is increasingly difficult, as customers compare it to their most recent best experience. The real challenge is to exceed expectations and create loyal, engaged customers who become advocates, spreading positive experiences through recommendations and social media.

There are 5 key stages to developing that all important bond with a customer:

  • Trust – customers know that you will deliver what you promise as well as giving them good and accurate advice

  • Personalisation – understanding the individuals' lifestyle, challenges and what excites them so that you can deliver a personal experience and not a one-size-fits-all process

  • Making things easy – ease of use, accessibility and fast response times all add into a positive experience

  • Fixing things when they go wrong – taking ownership and being quick to respond to any issues will help to further develop trust and respect.

  • Knowing the customer – nobody wants to explain themselves multiple times on every interaction, the customer should be able to ask once and the information should be carried through-out the process, whatever the communication channel

This is all a far cry from a traditional “Sales Process” where customers are put into a sales funnel and then managed in a way that has been determined as being best by the OEM or dealership. To integrate the stages that are needed to deliver excellent customer experience, the first steps are understanding, knowledge and the freedom to be authentic

Fostering a Customer-Centric Culture for Success

Developing an emotional bond with customers is achieved by understanding their unique circumstances and needs and responding with empathy and the appropriate emotional support. Taking the customer's perspective into consideration means pausing to ask if the advice provided aligns with their desires and requirements. By equipping oneself with the necessary tools for open conversations and actively seeking opportunities to deliver exceptional customer experiences, a successful Learning and Development CX Strategy is built.


A shift in culture is crucial for success, moving away from prioritising processes and products and instead placing the customer at the forefront. Starting with the customer means giving employees the freedom to authentically engage with them, rather than being overly concerned about performance targets and footfall. This cultural change begins at the leadership level, supported by a comprehensive L&D management plan. Modelling the desired behaviour, recognising and rewarding a new definition of success, and recruiting individuals with the right skills are all vital components for achieving success.

At PHM, we collaborate with our partners to drive a transformative shift away from mere "customer service" and process enhancement. To shift the focus to crafting delightful customer experiences that foster strong connections between customers, their dealers, and ultimately, the brand itself. If you would like to delve deeper into our approach, we invite you to learn more about our work here


